You Can Shine Your Light in 2025

Published: January 16, 2025
Author: ConsciousCafe

YOU CAN SHINE YOUR LIGHT IN 2025 - and that will make a difference.

2024: A very difficult year globally. Not one anyone wants to repeat.

What can each and every one of us do? There's a lot. We don't have to continually focus on what is not working on the planet at the moment and we don't have to engage with dramas where we have no influence whatsoever. But we can vent our anger by going on marches, we can write to people who do have influence, we can sign petitions and we can find many ways to make our feelings known in a considered way.

We can also try to let go of needing to get things right. Its not possible in this age of uncertainty. It is much easier to recognise when others are being judgmental than to recognise it in ourselves. But people expressing views about 21st century life can be so subtle and nuanced that it is only when we engage in deep conscious conversation with one another that we may better understand a situation in all its complexity. And that requires a much higher level of tolerance which is worth aspiring to reach because when we can connect deeply with others, we feel so much better about ourselves - and usually about the other person also - and so both of us become much more hopeful for the future.

Most important though, we can shine our light and be of service. There is always someone whose day you can brighten. You don't have to rescue anyone but you can look around and see if anyone will appreciate a call, a visit, an errand run for them, a helping hand in times of hardship. Whatsapp and texting are an effective way to communicate. But there's a huge difference between a zoom call and the times when you make the effort to meet or talk in person. Its always worthwhile to make the effort to connect more directly - and especially, at this time of year, with people who live on their own and would love to hear from you..

Raise your vibration now and shine your light. The world immediately becomes a better place when you do that. The brightness will light up the dark corners and you may not always like what you see. But it will also raise your frequency and the frequency of everyone you come into contact with. And that seems like a good new year's resolution to focus on.



ConsciousCafe is a not-for-profit organisation, a friendly and welcoming community, a place to live life consciously.
