We will be hosting an exciting discussion on “Inspired Leadership” with our special guest and friend to ConsciousCafe, the amazing Nick Williams. Nick is a leadership guide with twenty years experience of coaching leaders and offering his own leadership. He is the author of 16 books, several best sellers, been part of hundreds of media features and has given inspirational talks worldwide. The title of his latest book is “Be Inspired. Be Inspiring. Be Yourself - Your power to enable the best in yourself and others.”
True inspired leadership is your desire to draw the best from yourself and those around you, so we can all blossom into our full potential. Every act of inspiration, creativity, kindness, love and beauty is an act of leadership. So we are all capable of offering leadership in any moment, regardless of whether we have a formal position of leadership or not.

Nick will lead a conversation and discussion about inspired leadership and self-leadership, and how you can start to unwrap your next chapter of leadership. To support you to continue your inspired leadership adventure, Nick will be gifting you a copy of his latest book. Join us this December for a brilliant evening - with tea and cakes, too!

Please book below or contact Cora on corakc@hotmail.com for more information.
Venue: The Yoga Studio, Highfield House, Summer Hill, Harbledown, CT2 8NH

ConsciousCafe introduces Leadership with Horses, an opportunity to experience the value of embodied learning with horses.

 Why Horses?

 Research shows that in the presence of horses, we align the head, heart and gut. We become more authentic and gain more clarity. Horses mirror your non-verbal communication so you quickly identify the impact of your leadership, have chance to recalibrate in the moment and find new ways of working. Leadership with Horses harnesses this profound way of learning to create fast results that are repeatable back in work and life situations.

Personal Leadership

Experience how horses mirror your non-verbal communication and provide feedback on your strengths and areas to improve your leadership

3 positions of leadership

Learn a simple leadership model and work with the horses to identify how you lead naturally and where you can expand your range

Team dynamics

Discover how teams work effectively together, what causes them to be derailed and how to apply it to your own team. The learning is equally applicable to family and life situations as well as work

What you can expect

  • 10-12 people will have the unique opportunity to work hands on with the horses
  • A combination of personal leadership and teamwork in action
  • An interactive evening where the audience also engage by providing feedback and learn through observation

The Leadership Whisperers help senior leaders develop embodied leadership skills that have a profound impact on teams. Through live events and workshops, we partner with horses who provide non-judgmental feedback, enabling clients to identify their leadership impact and transform themselves into courageous and hugely influential, non-verbal communicators.

We combine Jude’s 16 years senior leadership and business experience with Emma’s 16 years HR experience to map the learning back to practical work and life situations.

Book now to take advantage of our Earlybird price of £25.00, or £20.00 if you are a ConsciousCafe Supporter.

Click here to buy Jude's new book, Leadership Beyond Measure.


ConsciousCafe is a not-for-profit organisation, a friendly and welcoming community, a place to live life consciously.
