“Your relationships with others are all determined by the one you have developed with yourself. But what is the true state of that relationship? How accurate is your view of yourself?

For example, what relationship have you consciously developed between your spirit and your soul, your mind and your brain, your feelings and your body? And what impression does this make on others?”

Teacher, speaker and acclaimed author Mark Ballabon returns to ConsciousCafe with this powerful interactive event 'Discover your true relationship with yourself'. As always, he will offer us original insights and dynamic exercises to inspire a higher level of wisdom and freedom in this most important of our relationships… which influences every aspect of how we live our lives.


£15.00  All bookings made online before 14/4/16
£20.00  On the door
£12.00  ConsciousCafe Supporters for all bookings made online before 14/4/16

Book Now on Eventbrite

ConsciousCafe is a not-for-profit organisation, a friendly and welcoming community, a place to live life consciously.
