All Good Vibes for Conscious Cafe Geneva

Published: February 27, 2019
Author: ConsciousCafe

Since it's humble beginnings, Conscious Cafe Geneva's meetings have taken place at the MLC Café-Littéraire, a charming coffee-cum-bookshop in the heart of Carouge, run by the lovely Francis. Due to ongoing renovations, the café is set to close for while, which set group leader Debbie King the task of finding a new space.

"I thought it would be REALLY difficult," says Debbie. "So I set aside a day to go hunting for one in Geneva, thinking it would be the first of several expeditions. And guess what - I found three! Not a single person refused me. At the venue I liked the most, the patron simply opened his arms and said 'of course! Walk this way and look at this little room beside the bar which you can have all to yourselves FREE, whenever you want.' AMAZING."

Debbie left town feeling on top of the world, with the most powerful thought: the universe truly provides for a well-intentioned deed.


ConsciousCafe is a not-for-profit organisation, a friendly and welcoming community, a place to live life consciously.
