What does the future hold for you from July to December 2023? Join Jessica Adams to get your six month astrology forecast.
July, August, September, October, November and December 2023 bring a brand new cycle. The South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries are here for the first time since 2005. What is in store for your Sun Sign? How about your birth chart?
The South Node in Libra shows partnership karma for yourself or another. You’ll draw a Tarot card at this session to see how that karma will play out over the cycle, beginning on July 18th 2023.
The North Node in Aries cycle, also starting on July 18th 2023, concerns your title, reputation and appearance and owes a great deal to 2005-2006. Your Tarot card will show you what you owe, spiritually from that time – or what you are owed.
Drawing a Tarot card for these two specific cycles will show you how the Libra South Node cycle plays out in your Seventh House of partnerships, duets and duels – and how the Aries North Node cycle plays out in your First House of title, reputation and appearance.
If you have Libra and/or Aries factors in your natal chart this is particularly important to you.
Jessica Adams will also take live chat questions at this event hosted by Gina Lazenby. Premium Members of jessicaadams.com can follow up with more questions afterwards about the nodes in their new signs – and the whole horoscope - on her website.
Please note that a recording of the event is included in the ticket price and will be sent to everyone who registers. Once you've registered, a Zoom link for the event will be sent to you the day before.
Global Timings for this online event:
Book your place on Eventbrite.
Watch Jessica Adams’ most recent ConsciousCafe event on YouTube: https://youtu.be/V7exQFchgwc
Jessica Adams BA is the host of the #1 UK Apple weekly Spirituality broadcast, The Astrology Show Podcast. Her book 2020 Astrology: Your Five-Year Horoscope Guide was the #1 Amazon astrology bestseller list in the US. Look out for her new book, Modern Astrology 2050. She lives in Tasmania. Visit jessicaadams.com.
ConsciousCafe is a not-for-profit organisation, a friendly and welcoming community, a place to live life consciously.